Potatoes can be grown in the ground, in pots, or in potato grow bags, making them a great choice no matter how much growing room you have.
If you are growing seed potatoes in potato grow bags, a 1kg bag of seed potatoes will require 2-3 grow bags to allow sufficient growing space for an optimal harvest.
To really maximise your harvest, and give it a head start, we recommend "chitting" your potatoes. Chitting is the process of encouraging your seed potatoes to sprout before planting them. See our how-to guide here!
✅ Choose determinate potatoes if:
You want a quicker harvest.
You have more space for growing in a single layer.
You prefer less maintenance (minimal hilling).
✅ Choose indeterminate potatoes if:
You want higher yields.
You have limited space but more time to invest in hilling.
You enjoy experimenting with potato towers or vertical gardening.
When buying potatoes for planting it is best to buy from growers, who guarantee that their potato "seed" is disease-free and true to variety. Beware of using potatoes from the supermarket as they have often been treated to prevent sprouting.
Blue Moon Potatoes upholds their dedication to excellence throughout every stage of the process in order to deliver their premium potatoes to the market. These potatoes are carefully selected from multiple regions and farms in WA, and each potato is hand-picked, whilst also having minimum handling, and is guaranteed to be authentic to its specific variety.
Can't wait till your potatoes have grown to eat them? You can find Larry and his team selling his beautiful ready to eat, brushed potatoes at the Manning Markets (Hedley Park, in Bentley) every Saturday Morning from 7.30am. Hot tip is to get there early as they sell out every week!
Have a look at our Blog Post for more information on choosing and growing potatoes.
Read this article on Everything You Need To Know About Growing Potatoes for more information.
*** Due to quarantine restrictions we are unable to send potatoes to Tasmania or South Australia***
1kg bag