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Natural Kaolin Clay Spray 500gm Bag, from The Green Life Soil Co.

Natural Clay Spray:

Clay Spray is a super fine grade and pure (97-99%) natural kaolin clay. Typically used in cosmetics, toothpaste, some foods and paper manufacture, it is also a fabulous product to use in your garden as it can be simply washed off your fruit when harvested. 

Applications for Clay Spray:

It is widely used by orchardists to protect and prevent heat stress, pest attack and sun damage on young trees and vegetable crops. Studies have also shown kaolin spray to be effective in reducing citrus gall wasp numbers, and other pests.  The spray works by clogging up the mouthparts of the pests which makes it difficult for the adults to pierce bark for egg laying (in the case of citrus gall wasp), and disrupts the laying of eggs.  (Some evidence exists that it is useful in controlling leafhoppers, stink bugs, codling moth and thrip.)

When used as a 'sunscreen' on plants (eg. tomatoes, capsicum, avocado, grapes, mango, stonefruit, cucumber, melons) it reflects damaging UV rays but allows light to enter the leaves (so does not stop photosynthesis or block stomata - the 'breathing' openings).

Ingredients and Size:

Natural Kaolin Clay

500g Bag

How to Use Clay Spray:

  1. Mix with water (it quickly forms a suspended slurry) and use in a sprayer to apply a film over the leaves and branches of your plants, until just at drip point (when the spray has fully covered the surface, and begins to drip or run off).  Rinse spray equipment immediately to avoid clogging.
  2. 500gms makes up to 10L of spray when mixed with water - so a little goes a long way.  Mix 50gms clay to 160mL and form a slurry, then top up to 1L of water. Avoid using when rain is imminent, as the spray needs time to dry.
  3. For citrus gall wasp, weather conditions may alter when you need to apply - but it's generally from September to mid October - when the larvae emerge and the breeding/egg laying cycle is beginning again.
  4. The white residue on your plants will weather off and will need repeat treatment every 2-3 weeks (check visually when spray has noticeably gone).  Repeat at 50% strength approx. fortnightly for best results.

Safety Precautions:

Clay Spray powder is a fine mineral - avoid using in windy conditions and use a dust mask when handling.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

It seems to have done its job, so will continue to use when required.

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