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Free shipping on orders from $200* Australia Wide and $60 for our Local Legends*

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The Urban Revolution team is all about discovering smarter, eco-friendly solutions and sharing those insights with our community.

We’re excited to connect and help bring your sustainable vision to life!

Sustainable Living Resources

As more people realise the importance and benefits of living more sustainably, it is incredibly inspiring to see new Earth-friendly ideas, groups, initiatives, organisations, businesses and programs popping up all over the place. Here are just some of our favourite resources to help you along your sustainable living journey.


Sustainable Living Resources

Urban Revolution logo Sustainable Living Articles Our Articles pages contain many free, online resources. Click here to see our range of eco tips, guides and tutorials.
Plastic free july Plastic Free July

Register on the below website to join this fabulous campaign.  You will be mentored throughout the month of July and the website has fabulous information on plastic alternatives, recipes and information about plastic and the effects on our environment.

Planet Ark Planet Ark

Find information, resources, and initiatives that are helping people, businesses, and governments reduce their impact on the Earth. They promote sustainable resources, educate on low carbon lifestyles, and connect people with sustainable alternatives.

Loose produce Loose Produce Our local loose bulk food, health, and organic grocery store and cafe. Just a couple of blocks down the road from our store, Loose Produce sell loose dry foods (fill up your own jars or use paper bags), fruit and veg, packaged health foods, and more.
The Source bulk foods The Source Bulk Foods

Browse over 400 bulk whole foods, cleaning and personal care products.  Pretty much all of the cleaning products we use at home come from the source where we bring our own containers to refill. Our local Vic Park store is located in the Park Centre however there are outlets Australia wide.

Treading my own path Treading My Own Path

 Vic Park's very own Lindsay Miles is a writer, speaker and waste-free living advocate, in her blog she shares her journey and what she has learned along the way.  There are great resources and e-books available and while you are there sign up for her insightful newsletter. 

Who gives a crap Who Gives a Crap

If it's good enough for our bums then we reckon its good enough to plug.  These guys donate 50% of their profits to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.  We offer these items in smaller quantities in store as a convenience to our customers however if you really like these super cool products please go to their website for much better prices by the box.

Manrags Man Rags

This awesome Australian organisation is passionate about reducing the thousands of tonnes of textiles that end up in Australian landfills every year. Send them your old socks and they will either up-cycle them for people in need of socks or recycle them back into the textiles industry.

Boomerang Bags Vic Park Boomerang Bags

Boomerang Bags are a world wide community initiative to bring people together to make reusable shopping bags for their community.


This Perth initiative is starting a network of cafes and coffee shops that provide a closed-loop reusable coffee cup system. Choose to use a RENOME reusable coffee cup for a small deposit, and get your deposit back when you return the cup.