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Permaculture Resources

Perth Permaculture Resources

 The word Permaculture was first coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in their 1978 book Permaculture One. It means:

  • PERMAnent agriCULTURE - sustainable food producing systems.
  • PERMAnent CULTURE - design system for creating sustainable human environments.

"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions rather than asking only one yield of them and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions." - Bill Mollison

"Permaculture is the use of ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, appropriate technology and community development.  Permaculture is built upon an ethic of caring for the earth and interacting with the environment in mutually beneficial ways." - Sustainable Living in Drylands


Our Permaculture Resources

Permaculture design principles
Permaculture Design Considerations Article
Permaculture books
Permaculture Books Products
Permaculture articles Have a look through our Articles Page for a whole range of free, online resources - many of which contain valuable permaculture knowledge. Articles



Other Permaculture Resources

Dandelion Permaculture Dandelion Permaculture

Offers Permaculture Design Courses, Permaculture Living and RetroSurburbia Workshops – Dandelion Permaculture’s Martina Hoeppner is passionate about these topics and is looking forward to sharing this passion with you. Go to the website to check what courses are coming up.

Permaculture women
Permaculture Women

The Permaculture Women Magazine offers free online resources and articles on all kinds of permaculture topics.

"Learn permaculture at your own pace, in your own space, guided by expert female teachers from around the world."

Their Permaculture Women's Guild also offers free and affordable online courses, publications, and networking opportunities for permies of all levels of expertise. 

Drylands permaculture Drylands Foundation

Located in Geraldton in the Midwest of Western Australia, they demonstrate the practical application of Permaculture and environmental conservation. A not-for-profit environmental organisation the Drylands Foundation is one of WA's most respected permaculture organisations.

Freo Permies Fremantle Permaculture

Fremantle Permaculture is an open community permie group based in Fremantle, Western Australia.  Anyone living nearby who would like to get together and learn and become involved in all things permaculture is welcome to attend their monthly meetings. You don’t need to be permaculture trained to join!

Gaia Permaculture Gaia Permaculture

Established in 2011, Gaia Permaculture has become focused on offering regenerative and sustainable design solutions and education and offers a range of services that centre around the ethics and principles of permaculture. Gaia Parmaculture’s Fiona Blackham operates across Perth through private and community consultancy, private enterprise, local government and private workshops offering consultancy and Permaculture Design Courses, plus co-teaching of Cert III, IV and Diploma of Permaculture.

Perth city farm Perth City Farm

Founded in 1994 on the site of a former scrap metal yard and battery recycling facility in East Perth, this once toxic and highly polluted site has been lovingly rehabilitated by volunteers over many years to become a thriving organic certified community garden.   A Western Australian icon for environmental sustainability and community engagement, they are also available as a venue to hire for Weddings and functions as well as home to the City Farm Cafe. This place is a must visit for anyone interested in sustainable living.

Powderbark permaculture Powderbark Permaculture

Powderbark Permaculture offers design services, workshops and advice. They organise events and workshops with and for community groups including the Jarrahdale Glut Gleaner and Food Hub.

Fair Harvest Fair Harvest

Fair Harvest is a Permaculture farm 5km out of Margaret River in Australia’s beautiful South West corner. The Fair Harvest gardens were established in 1995 and have organic veggie gardens, fruit orchards, poultry, composting systems and more. This fabulous family venture run by Jodie and Dorothee is a hub with fabulous events and courses.  Check out their current Permaculture Design Courses and workshops.

Permaculture west Permaculture West

Perth's go-to place for all things permaculture, whether it's finding a local permie group to meet like minded souls or downloading fact sheets from well respected contributors, this is the place for you.

PEA Permaculture Educators Alliance

The Permaculture Educators' Alliance wants to take you one step further, away from sustainability and towards regenerative design. They strongly believe that we can heal the world and want to support you on your journey towards leaving a smaller footprint and creating better farms and gardens. Check out their website for their current Permaculture Design Courses.

Terra Perma Terra Perma

Charles and Jolene Otway have been a driving force in Permaculture in Perth and have recently moved to Pemberton and are continuing their Permaculture journey. Their website contains a wealth of information on Permaculture.

Zone 0 Zone 0 Permaculture

Renee has been practising and teaching many different aspects of Permaculture for several years. See her website for permaculture design courses, topic specific workshops, on site training, retreats and one-on-one coaching.


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