Citric Acid uses include:
Citric Acid adds a tart, sour, acidic flavour, or a perceived sweetness, to foods. Some foods include; jams, canned foods, fruit drinks, carbonated beverages, cheese, and jellies.
Citric Acid is added to prevent spoilage and discolouration in some foods and organic material products. It does this by slowing or helping prevent the formation of bacteria, mould, yeast, and fungus.
Citric acid is used as an ingredient for a range of products due to its astringent, exfoliant, pH balancing, and anti-oxidant properties.
Citric acid is added for whitening, de-greasing, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal purposes.
As a natural cleaning ingredient, it really comes into its own in contact with bicarbonate of soda and water, where its fizzing action makes it a powerful cleaning agent.
Citric acid will prolong the shelf or fridge life of your liquid soap berry concentrate to a couple of months.
Use in soap berry concentrates such as laundry detergent, house cleaning, foaming and liquid hand wash, body and hair wash, and pet wash.
A liquid concentrate made from soap berries (soap nuts) creates a multi-purpose cleaning concentrate that can be used all around the home.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of crystals per 500ml of concentrate.
Citric Acid is made by mould fermentation of sugar solutions and the extraction from lemon juice, lime juice, and pineapple canning residue. It is the predominant acid in oranges, lemons, and limes.
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