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Gourmet Seed Potatoes, from Bathgate Farm

Gourmet Seed Potatoes - Perth

Please note that seed potatoes are generally in stock from March to September approx.

2025 Seed Potato Varieties:

  • Delaware (Determinate) - Delaware is a medium to large cream/buff coloured oval potato with firm, waxy white flesh. Delaware are distinctive for their moderate to deep set eyes and their tendency to store particularly well. Delaware is an all-round great tasting starchy potato perfect for microwaving, boiling or roasting. 

  • Mozart (Indeterminate) - Mozart has uniform, oval-shaped tubers with yellow eyes and sunrise red skin with yellow flesh. This waxy potato is ideal for making potato salads, gnocchi, and creamy mashed potatoes. It also roasts well for a delicious side dish!

  • Tiger (Determinate or Indeterminate) - Tiger potatoes are a medium to large sized tuber with a remarkable spotted skin and buttery coloured flesh. Most commonly used as a french fry potato due to its low moisture and floury flesh which gives it excellent frying qualities. Also good for roasting. 

  • Prince of Orange (Indeterminate) - Originally a french gourmet potato. It is a long oval shaped potato with smooth, red skin and dark yellow/orange flesh.  Creamy, buttery taste. Prince of Orange Potatoes are high in Carotenoids – a very powerful antioxidants. Very versatile all-rounder potato suitable for boiling, steaming, roasting and frying.

More Details

Full Flavour Seed Potatoes | Perth

Nothing beats the flavour of home grown potatoes! Choose from our range of certified disease-free seed potatoes to find the best varieties for your climate and preferred cooking method. 

Which Variety of Potato Should you Grow - Determinate or Indeterminate?

Choose determinate potatoes if:

You want a quicker harvest.
You have limited space (raised beds, small gardens, containers).
You prefer less maintenance (minimal hilling).

Choose indeterminate potatoes if:

You want higher yields.
You have more time and space.
You enjoy experimenting with potato towers or vertical gardening.

How to Grow Potatoes in Perth

Potatoes can be grown in the ground, in pots, or in potato grow bags, making them a great choice no matter how much growing room you have.

If you are growing seed potatoes in potato grow bags, this 1kg bag of seed potatoes will require 2-3 grow bags to allow sufficient growing space for an optimal harvest.

Autumn is a great time to plant potatoes here in Perth, and new stocks of our seed potatoes usually arrive in store then. Available varieties vary from year to year, depending on what's growing well at Bathgate Farm.

How to Grow Potatoes Guide

Certified Seed Potatoes from Bathgate Farm

When buying potatoes for planting it is best to buy from certified growers, who guarantee that their potato "seed" is disease-free and true to variety.  Beware of using potatoes from the supermarket or any other non-certified source as they have often been treated to prevent sprouting and may well bring disease into your garden.

Starting with quality seed is the essence of a successful potato crop.

Our certified seed  potatoes are lovingly grown by Andrew and Jocelyn Bathgate, from Bathgate Farm near Albany on the south coast of Western Australia. Andrew and Jocelyn grow potatoes, vegetables and salad crops for local restaurants and farmers markets, and specialise in unconventional varieties chosen for their flavour and cooking qualities. 

Do have a look at our Blog Post for more information on choosing and growing potatoes.

Read this article on Everything You Need To Know About Growing Potatoes for more information.

*** Due to quarantine restrictions we are unable to send potatoes to Tasmania or South Australia***

1kg bag

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Good quality products as always.

Suzi Fitzpatrick
Tasty Taters

Happy to say I am planting out my second order of Neptune. They are so tasty and problem free to grow.

Prince of Orange

If you love Potatoes get Prince of Orange. Absolutely the best roasting variety and we do oven chips with them all the time. I don't have room for a veg garden but we buy our spuds from Andrew Bathgate at the Albany Farmers Market

Glen Dickinson
Seed potatoes

Arrived quickly and in good condition. Have planted them and will get to taste them in a few months


Great product, service and fast delivery.


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