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The Urban Revolution team is all about discovering smarter, eco-friendly solutions and sharing those insights with our community.

We’re excited to connect and help bring your sustainable vision to life!

Retrosuburbia The Downshifter’s Guide To A Resilient Future

David Holmgrem - Permaculture Co-Originator Guide for a Resilient Future

Retrosuburbia is a permaculture book that brings to life David Holmgren’s vision of sustainable, productive and vibrant suburbs.

With 40 years of experience put into this authority on permaculture based community living, you will be advised on modifying and installing technologies, creating flourishing gardens and helping yourself and those around you live fulfilling and resilient lives.

With this bold manifesto for change by your side, remove the fences of your mind and your neighbourhood and retrofit them with practical and grounded solutions, to benefit generations to come.

About Retrosuburbia Permaculture Book

  • 592 pages
  • 90+ watercolour illustrations by artist Brenna Quinlan
  • 400+ full colour photos
  • Foreword by Costa Georgiadis (Gardening Australia)
  • 34 chapters, spanning 3 fields – the Built, Behavioural and Biological
  • Includes case studies: real-life examples of households creating change and building resilience
  • Designed by Richard Telford

About David Holmgren Permaculture Founder

David Holmgren is best known as the co-originator of the permaculture concept following the publication of Permculture One, written with Bill Mollison in 1978. Within the growing international permaculture movement, David is respected for his commitment to presenting permaculture ideas through practical projects and teaching by personal example. He shows that a sustainable lifestyle is a realistic, attractive and powerful alternative to dependent consumerism.

As well as constant involvement in the practical side of permaculture, David is passionate about the philosophical and conceptual foundations for sustainability. He lives at Melliodora, a one-hectare permaculture demonstration site at Hepburn Springs, Central Victoria, Australia.

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