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Pip Magazine - Issue 11 - The Cow Issue

We're over the mooooo-oon! Pip Issue 11 has arrived and it's another cracker. From DIY natural cheesemaking, biodynamics and what’s involved in owning your own house cow, hence the beautiful cow on the cover.

It also features cob house building, permaculture design and natural burials. Learn how to build a wicking bed, live off your own produce, crochet some winter warming gloves and tackle your pest problems naturally. All of these stories and much more can be found in the pages of Pip issue 11.

Pip is the magazine for the Australian permaculture community. It is the place for people and groups to connect and share ideas, knowledge and experience, and stay in touch with what is happening around Australia.

Pip Magazine is your guide to integrating permaculture and sustainability in your life. There are informative articles on all aspects of permaculture as well as profiles on people, projects, gardens, farms, houses and businesses. There are ‘how to’ guides, recipes, reviews, a directory containing permaculture related businesses, courses and people and a classifieds section.

Pip is taking permaculture to the people. by being attractively designed, thoughtfully laid out and clearly explained, Pip presents permaculture in an easy to understand accessible way.

Pip Magazine is a thing of beauty. Printed on FSC certified paper with vegetable inks, each edition of Pip is something to treasure and, after reading cover to cover, keep on your shelf and refer to for the facts and information it holds within.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Coffee, Cows,Coffins and Cheese making

I love to read PIP as it vicariously engages me with a community of like minded people trying to live a simple life. There is always something different to try: craft, recipe or something to do in the garden. I also enjoy the reports on the marvelous work the Permaculture community do around the globe.