Premium Elephant Garlic Bulbs for Sale: Grow Your Own Gourmet Harvest
If you’ve never tried local organic garlic before, we highly recommend trying this Elephant garlic grown on Galloway Springs Farm near Bridgetown, South of Perth. This white-skinned garlic produces huge cloves and the heads are double the size of regular garlic while also producing incredible flavours.
Local garlic can be hard to find as most garlic is imported from China.
Galloway Springs Farm practises Regenerative Agriculture and is pesticide free.
Price is per bulb, depending on size.
How to Grow Great Garlic
Plant garlic cloves between the end of March to the end of May in the south west of WA. Plant in March to early April in warmer climates. In cooler parts of Australia, spring is preferable.
Choose the largest cloves for planting - big cloves means big heads.
Prepare the ground with lime, compost and pelletised chicken manure, making sure that it is well worked-through the ground and weeds removed.
Plant the cloves 8 - 10 cm apart and 4 cm deep with the pointy bit upwards.
Water the plantings in well and keep the plants regularly watered, not letting them dry out through the growing season.
Keep the plants free of weeds, especially during the early part of the growing season.
How to Harvest Elephant Harvest Garlic
Harvest when the plants are dry and half the leaves have browned off and died. This will happen from the base of the plants. It is not essential to remove the flower stalks.
Knock most of the soil off the mature garlic and either hang or place on racks to dry for three weeks minimum before cutting off the stalks and roots and storing in a cool, dry place with ample air flow to prevent post-harvest rot.
You can begin to eat your garlic as soon as the bulbs begin to swell, stems and all, like for leeks, or when you first harvest and the skins are still soft. You do not have to wait for them to dry.
Correctly dried, your garlic will last until the end of May when they begin to sprout their green shoots.
Mild Flavoured Elephant Garlic: Gourmet Quality for Culinary Delights
Elephant garlic is celebrated for its milder, sweeter flavour compared to traditional garlic varieties. This makes it incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Whether roasted whole, added to stir-fries, or gently sautéed, our elephant garlic elevates your culinary creations with its delicate garlic essence without overpowering other ingredients. Experience the gourmet difference and explore new flavour dimensions in your cooking
Regeneratively Grown Garlic Bulbs: Sustainable and South West Sourced
Please note: This product is usually only available in stock for the main garlic planting season in the Perth region which is from approximately March to the end of May. If this product is showing as out of stock outside of this time, we will not be restocking it until next year. We apologise for any inconvenience.