Live Today Like Tomorrow Matters!
In the midst of climate disasters and global public health crises, it can be challenging to find a positive, tangible path forward. It can all seem overwhelming. While we may understand the value of supporting local farmers and reducing our own plastic use, on days when the issues seem insurmountable, those small actions can feel insignificant.
Welcome to Future-Steading, a helpful and inspiring guide to embracing a lifestyle that prioritises the future. It offers advice on living slower, simpler, and steadier for a healthier you, home, and environment.
This guidebook starts with a user-friendly and hands-on introduction to the world of Future-Steading. It then takes you through six seasonal sections - Awakening, Alive, High Heat, Harvest, The Turning, and Deep Chill - offering plenty of ideas and motivation for your garden. This includes tips on building fences and wicking beds, as well as over 30 delicious and simple recipes for hearty and wholesome meals.
Jade's superpower is to motivate us to step out of our comfort zone, stay present, be inquisitive, and come together in honouring food and its growers. She does this by connecting the dots through storytelling, being straightforward, and urging us to redefine success and prioritise community, both now and for future generations.
About the Author:
“Every decision we make has an impact – on other humans, creatures and ecosystems. How do you make your decisions and will their impact be degenerative, sustainable or regenerative?" Jade Miles.
With her bushy roots and entrepreneurial mind, Jade Miles is a jack-of-all-trades, right down to her bare and muddy toes. As a local food advocate, educator, co-op founder, author, podcaster, and regenerative fruit farmer, she and her family run Black Barn Farm, a biodiverse orchard and workshop space in Northeast Victoria. Through hosting school programs and workshops on permaculture and homesteading, as well as sitting on multiple boards, Jade is dedicated to guiding people back to a more natural, sustainable, and fulfilling way of life.