This workshop is for anyone who wants to know how to compost at home, school or work. It covers composting systems best suited to the various situations in urban environments. Click here to go to our events page for upcoming dates.
What will you learn?
Learn how to use the Bokashi system, worm farms, worm towers, how to compost pet waste, hot and cold composting methods and how to run multiple systems together.
Find out why composting is one of the solutions you can do to live more lightly on the Earth, help reverse climate change and prevent greenhouse gases from being produced in landfill and stored in the atmosphere. You can read more about this here.

Workshop Format
The workshop is 120 minutes long followed by morning or afternoon tea where you can ask your individual composting questions.
You are given Urban Revolution's comprehensive Urban Composting Guide to take home for a practical composting reference.
Enjoy 10% off in store on the day for all your composting and sustainable products.
Workshop Presenters
The workshop is presented by Jo Bussell, the founder of Urban Revolution and Bec Gardiner who is the store manager. Both Jo and Bec have a wealth of experience in composting methods, permaculture and garden design and both love creating soil, growing food and whole food cooking.
Workshop Details and How to Book
The workshop is currently held at the Town of Victoria Park Council Buildings at 99 Shepparton Rd, Victoria Park, 6100, just around the corner from the Urban Revolution retail store.
If you have a query, please email, or phone (08) 6102 1068.
Click here to book
Pre-registration is essential as numbers are limited due to available space.
You can also check out our article on The Easiest Way To Compost At Home: the Bokashi Kitchen Compost System.
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