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Urban Revolution has been a proud stockist of Soil Dynamics (formerly No Frills Fertilisers) for many years. Soil Dynamics founder Tini Quinlan and Urban Revolution owner Jo Bussell first met around 2014.
Soil Dynamics produce a range of organics fertilisers and eco friendly solutions for home gardeners.
When did you start Soil Dynamics Start and why? Formerly known as No Frills FertilisersFunny to think about 10 plus years back when Jo and I first met at the Vic Park Markets, I remember our stalls were backed onto each other and we just got chatting and really got on and the rest is history. Soil Dynamics, our soil testing and agronomy side of the business, started about 25 plus years ago with No Frills Fertilisers (now also Soil Dynamics) starting in 2009.

Since then, our mission has remained simple yet unwavering - to promote soil, plant, and ultimately human health. Our organic fertiliser products are all rooted in science, utilising the latest in organic and sustainable farming solutions to help future generations and plants thrive.
We have always been rooted in science. No fluff. Just the facts. With mounting evidence concerning the importance of sustainable farming, in 2004 Anthony and I transitioned our family to a completely organic lifestyle.
We have always had a strong attraction to all things nature and loved growing pretty much anything, but it wasn’t until 2005 when I (Tini) fell pregnant with our first child Lochie, that the health penny well and truly dropped. I was congratulated on the happy news by our GP and at the same time was handed an extensive list of vitamins that I was urged to start taking to maintain a healthy pregnancy and baby.

This was a pivotal moment and it made me think how sad it was that we cannot rely on food as a key nutrient source to grow human life.
Luckily, being married to Anthony, an organic agronomist, there was something we could do about this. We knew that to have a larger impact we needed to extend our reach by offering more than just one-on-one agronomy consultancy services to farmers - we needed to offer products that any grower - be it a humble home gardener, or a large-scale commercial enterprise - could pick up and use instantly for fast results.
From then on it has been our purpose and mission to help people produce high quality, easy to use organic fertilisers which provide soil and plants with everything it requires to grow incredibly nutrient rich and mineral dense food.
Anthony has a B.Sc majoring in geology and geomorphology (the study of rocks and landforms)
Anthony has practiced biodynamics since 1996 and set up his own little vineyard that way, which to this day is our little patch of trial and error when trialing new products.

The consultancy arm of the business has been going for 25 years plus, whereby Anthony takes soil samples analysis and then recommends nutrient programs to suit. Having been in the game for such a long time we have had the pleasure to work with so many likeminded people such a s Culllen, Voyager, Woodlands, Goodonga Farms, Prime Organics and so many more, and continue to do so.
Tini, who holds a Diploma in Business, spent 14 years in hospitality management where her passion for food came from, and she turned this into a thirst for understanding nutrition and how food is grown.
Where were you born?
Anthony in Perth WA
Tini in Germany – Stuttgart
Where do you live Now?
Beautiful Margaret River with our two children Lochie (19) and Lexi (17) and our two crazy Boxers Morrie and Reggie
What are your plans for the future?
To continue to do good and to widen our reach so that more people can use our products, and just simply to help people garden and farm more sustainably to ensure we all have food security for the future.
What is your Passion and excites you most about your business?
We’re here to help gardeners and farmers of any size on their journey to a better soil, whilst building a successful business so that we can continue to do good.
Whenever things get hard knowing what we do is so important for our kids and their kids, makes getting out of bed on those mornings a lot easier.
Being certified organic is also a big one on the list so that the consumer can rest assured that what they are buying is synthetic and chemical free, as sadly in Australia, naming laws for the word organic are very loose and anything that has organic matter in it can use the word organic, or if it has a certain small percentage of a certified product in it, you can call it organic.
As the ACCC states - It is up to the consumer to do their research.
So as much as it is a lot more work, as you have to be able to track every single bit of ingredients, we have decided to do this for you so that you can be reassured what you purchase from us is synthetic / chemical free.
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