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The Urban Revolution team is all about discovering smarter, eco-friendly solutions and sharing those insights with our community.

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4 Easy Low-Waste Gift Wrapping Methods

  • 2 min read

Reduce waste, save money on wrapping materials and give unique, thoughtfully wrapped gifts simply by re-thinking the way we do gift wrapping. There are so many ways to start using recycled, compostable or reusable materials!
Here our our top 4 methods for easy eco-friendly gift wrapping:


1. Furoshiki... or Fabric Gift Wrapping 

Using the Japanese Furoshiki technique, you can wrap any shaped gift in reusable fabric wraps - no sticky tape or other unnecessary waste needed! Check out this YouTube video to see how to do it.

We stock a range of different sized and locally-made Furoshiki fabric wraps made from upcycled fabric by the wonderful PaulaW. 

They also look great with our eco-friendly Earth Greetings gift tags!

 Furoshiki fabric gift wraps


2. Use Other Reusable Materials

A brief look around at home, or a visit to an op shop can throw up all kinds of useful items which can be reused to wrap gifts. Tea towels provide a similar solution to the Furoshiki fabric wraps already mentioned. Cardboard boxes can be simply decorated or wrapped with paper to create homemade gift boxes. Re-gifting in paper gift bags is also practiced widely, especially if the label is left blank. You can even encourage your family to open presents carefully and reuse wrapping paper!

If you're buying gift wrapping materials, choose ones that can be reused such as gift bags. We currently sell reusable gift bags that are made from recycled organic cotton and are also fair trade! We also have reusable gift cards (yep, you read that right) that have a removable/replaceable section for your message and a reusable fabric envelope!

Reusable gift card


3. Use Recycled Materials

Reuse decorative wrapping paper from previous gifts and deliveries, or even packaging materials such as butchers paper which can be simply recycled into sustainable gift wrapping.

Glass jars are another freely available item that you can recycle from home, and they can be simply decorated with sustainable materials such as paper and twine. They are great for home-made gifts such as soaps, skincare products, yummy treats from a zero waste food store, DIY dessert ingredients, jams/preserves and more.

Gift boxes using recycled materials Gift in a re-purposed jar with twine ribbon


4. Use Compostable Materials

The use of plastic sticky tape and glossy paper prevent many conventional types of gift wrapping from being eligible for recycling or composting. With a little thought, it is possible to find earth-friendly alternatives that can be composted at the end of their useful life.

We love Kraft paper and Washi tape, which is made from Japanese Washi paper and a water based adhesive. Cotton, hessianjute twine and coconut fibre string are all great compostable gift wrapping materials too. Check out these festive ribbon designs made from natural fibres - they're also reusable and compostable!

A new addition to our gift-giving solutions are carbon positive gift cards and gift tags - all proceeds from the sale of these goes towards planting native trees in Western Australia.

Get creative and show us your sustainable gift wrapping ideas!

Gift wrapped in heshan Gifts wrapped in kraft paper and twine



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