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Garden Glimmers

  • 1 min read

Firstly, what are they?

Glimmers are those small moments in life that make you smile. They’re the baseline of joy!

More scientifically, they’re the opposite of triggers. Triggers are those moments that cue your nervous system to be on alert when flight or fright kicks in.

Your nervous system is always subconsciously scanning your surroundings for cues. Your sixth sense will scan situations and people, letting you know how to react. It may find triggers or, hopefully, glimmers.

Glimmers are these micro-moments that cue your nervous system into a state of relaxation, where you feel safe. They reduce your emotional stress and return you to a more regulated state.

Glimmers can be as simple as humming while you work or smelling freshly baked cookies. And because they’re so much more subtle than triggers, they can be harder to notice.

One of our favourite places to find an abundance of glimmers, is unsurprisingly - the garden.

Some of our favourites:

🌸Getting to eat your first harvest of the season

strawberries in hand

🌸Gardening alongside someone you love

🌸Sitting alone on your patio, enjoying the sights of your garden

stripy mug

🌸Pulling a weed and getting the whole dang root, too

🌸Cutting flowers from your garden and giving them to someone else

cottage garden flowers in basket

🌸The smell of freshly snipped herbs

🌸Gardening in your pyjamas

🌸A visiting bird enjoying feed or water

super fairywren

🌸A butterfly paying a visit to your annuals

What's a garden glimmer that you've experienced? We'd love to know! Let us know below.

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