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December Grow Your Own: Planting to Climate and Seeds To Sow Now

  • 3 min read

Knowing the right time to sow your seeds is crucial to a successful garden. In Australia, the right time to sow changes dramatically depending on which part of the country you live - we have so many different climates! The first step in looking up seed lists is always to know which climate you live in. 

Australian Climates

The map below from The Seed Collection roughly shows the four main climates we have in Australia: red for tropical, orange for warm, green for moderate, and blue for cool. 

Seed sowing regions australia climates

For more information, The Seed Collection have a great vegetable seed sowing chart that includes all four Australian climate regions. If you do look at other seed lists online, remember that different organisations use different names for the climates so make sure to double check!

Indigenous Seasons Knowledge and Use

Growing to your local indigenous seasons further refines your seed sowing times and plant selection.  Perth and the South West are currently at the start of the two months duration (Dec and Jan) of the Noongar season Birak.  

Birak is referred to as the first summer and the season of the young due to the offspring of various animals venturing out for the first time on their own or staying close to their Mums.

This season sees the rains ease up and the warm weather really start to take hold. Morning winds come from the east and the afternoons are cooled by sea breezes from the southwest.

Positioning plants and garden spaces to seasonal weather knowledge is beneficial to the plants and people. 😊

Click on this link for other Indigenous weather knowledge around the country:

Below is a list of some common veggies that are great to sow now in a moderate Australian climate (like here in Perth).  

Seeds to Sow Now (In Perth like Climates)


How to Sow

Germination Time

Time Until Harvest

Other Tips


Sow directly into garden bed Sept-Mar

8-10 days

26 weeks

Grow in fertile, well drained soil


Sow directly into the garden or into biodegradable pots  Aug-Feb. Needs warm soil

7-13 days

8-12 weeks

Plant near celery or cucumber


Sow directly into the garden or in seedling flats at any time

7-14 days

10-12 weeks

Plant near lettuce but away from beans

Broccoli Sow directly into the garden or in seedling flats Dec-May 6-10 days 12-16 weeks
Brussels Sprout Sow directly into the garden or in seedling flats Dec-Mar 6-10 days 14-28 weeks


Sow directly into garden Sept-Apr

4-7 days

17-18 weeks

Cook young leaves like spinach and harvest root when young


Sow directly into the garden Aug-May and only lightly sprinkle with soil as they need light to germinate

14-21 days

12-16 weeks

Water seedlings well

Cauliflower Sow directly into the garden or in seedling flats Dec-Mar 6-10 days 14-26 weeks


Best sown in a seedling flat and then transplant into garden

10-21 days

12-18 weeks

Plant near dill but away from beans and tomatoes


Sow in a seedling flat or tray and plant out in 6 weeks

7-14 days

2-5 months

Semi-perennial plants


Sow directly into garden bed 20-30cm apart to enhance pollination

6-10 days

11-14 weeks

Grow with beans and pumpkin - the Three Sisters. Don't over water seeds after first water


Sow directly into garden or in biodegradable pots when weather gets warm, Sept-Mar. Cover with soil

5-10 days

8-12 weeks

Increase watering when fruiting. Beware of mould if overwatered or high levels of humidity

Eggplant Sow directly into the garden or in seedling flats Aug-Dec 10-14 days 14-16 weeks

Jerusalem Artichoke

Sow directly into garden bed

5-10 days

15-20 weeks

Produces many tubers, easy to grow and can handle many soil types


Sow into seedling flats all year round

4-14 days

6-12 weeks

Pick Cos lettuce leaves as growing.  Transplant into part shade in summer.


Sow directly into garden bed Sept-Feb

7-14 days

14-16 weeks

Needs warm weather.


Sow directly into garden bed Oct to Nov and transplant into garden bed Dec to Jan

8-13 days

11-14 weeks

Grow with capsicum, chilli and eggplant.  Pick pods while young.  Edible flowers.

Pumpkin & Squash Sow directly into garden Aug-Dec 6-10 days 14-16 weeks Need lots of space. Good companion with corn


Sow in a seedling flat or directly into a garden bed Nov-Dec

7-14 days

12-20 weeks

Plant near Basil and Marigolds for integrated pest management. Allow good airflow to reduce disease potential

Zucchini Sow direct into garden beds Sept to Dec. 5-10 days 8-14 weeks Avoid watering leaves as this can increase mould and reduce fruiting


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