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Conservation Council of WA Annual Conference 2022 - Stronger Together: Collaboration for Conservation and Climate

  • 1 min read

Held on Friday 2 September in Wembley, adjacent to the beautiful Galup - Lake Monger, this sold out event focused on opportunities for partnership within the environmental sector that will maximise our collective impact.

We had a fantastic day exhibiting a showcase of our range and absorbing the energy and insights from so many superb speakers.

conservation council conference trade stand

Alongside presentations and facilitated workshops there were a variety of networking opportunities, helping us to build a vision together of what we can achieve as a movement.

conservation conference trade stand

The event included inspiring speakers such as Peter Kenyon from Bank of Ideas, and sessions on key topics such as regenerative agriculture and working in partnership with First Nations communities on conservation of country.

Below are the detailed scribes created during the conference by Will Bessen from Tuna Blue Facilitation.

Welcome to country


young leaders in conservation


positive change for climate by Peter Kenyon


Unions and environment


citizen science project for Fairy Terns


Biodiversity and climate change

Tackling climate change


The Conservation Council of WA is the state’s peak environmental organisation representing more than one hundred environmental groups and members of the conservation community in Western Australia.

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